It’s immediately obvious when you meet Ali and Kaspar that they are beautiful people… these images will attest to that. It’s also immediately evident how easy they are with one another, and how crazy they are about each other too. But what you may not immediately pick up on is all the things that make them uniquely them… things we incorporated into their session. Things like Kaspar’s love of donuts, Ali’s sense of style, and Kaspar’s passion for longboarding… which he shares with Ali… I mean look at the two of them on that board! And have you ever seen two people who can knock out handstands like that on a hot afternoon in jeans? We met at the Filter Building at White Rock Lake and it made the perfect backdrop for these two. It was an absolutely perfect summer day in Dallas and we had a ball! I am so excited about these images… I have been posting them on Instagram like crazy and everyone loves them. These two were adventurous and a dream to work with and Celeste and I are so excited about their Long Island wedding coming up in September! Ali and Kaspar met there as kids, so what better place for them to commit to forever?
I can’t believe I have waited this long to do this blog post. The last half of 2014 was a bit of a blur, but most likely I thought I had already done the post because I have used these images so many other places. Rachel is a stunning girl, and I had the pleasure of shooting her engagements, bridals and wedding as well as some blog photos for her and an extended family portrait for her mom… so needless to say she is one of my favorites. She chose the Audubon center for her session which was the perfect compliment to her modern and yet romantic style. I am so crazy about these images! It is one of my favorite sessions of my career and I am thrilled to have my favorites from this shoot in one place to share with you.
The intention was to have this post up and running the first week of January… but alas… crazy life got in the way and now January is almost over. Nevertheless I said I was going to do a “Best of 2014” blog post so here it is… and the old words ring true… better late than never! It is always a challenge and a joy to choose my favorite photos from a year of my work. I put my heart into every photo so there is a little something of me in every one… These 125 photos were chosen from a pared down pool of about 20,000 photos. I can’t always explain why I love a photo… suffice it to say that sometimes it’s simply aesthetics, sometimes meaning, and sometimes it is something personal… no matter the why I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do.
This is the season for wonderful family portraiture… and I am more than thrilled to share my session with the Patrick Family. I went to high school with Rob, and we reconnected as so many friends do, through Facebook. I have wanted to photograph his family ever since I saw photos of his romantic marriage proposal to Alisha in a hot air balloon. The way he speaks of her on Facebook and in person is so lovely… and one of the things I most admire in a man is his ability to love a woman well. Alisha and Rob and I had a long conversation over coffee about life and family before our session and I can assure you they are as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside. Rob is also an excellent father to his son Carson, which is very evident in these photos… their father and son camaraderie is a really wonderful thing to watch. Rob, Alisha and Carson are a joy to spend time with and I think it shows in these images. I think family photos are so precious and so important for creating our legacy for those we love.
Speaking of love… these two are pretty romantic together… and you all know how I love photos of love.
Is there anything more heartwarming than a father and son who have that special bond and who just love being together?
This family has so much fun together… and their spirit of fun was contagious!
Rob, Alisha and Carson you three were a joy to work with! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
Bryan is one of those men who exudes a quiet confidence and gives you the impression that there is a lot going on underneath the surface. He is an outdoorsman, an Olympian, a former ski jumper in the ’92 Olympic winter games in Albertville France. He is one of those guys who makes you feel safe in the knowledge that he would know what to do in just about any situation. He loves to play golf, to fish and hunt, and to work on his cabin situated in a stunningly beautiful location facing the Porcupine Mountains in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. With all this in mind, it would seem that photos of Bryan should be rustic, outdoorsy, athletic types of photos… but those will have to wait for another shoot. Bryan needed some professional photos for a new business venture so we took to the urban landscape… and Bryan donned a suit. I think the results are pretty compelling… to say the least… and are a reminder to all you guys out there who need to update your visual portfolio for today’s social media and web culture.
I think one of the most important things about a good headshot is that it project confidence… and these images have that in spades…
I love the eye contact that Bryan makes with the camera… it creates an immediacy in the images that is timeless.
And just to bring this post about Bryan full circle, I have to give you a glimpse into that rustic, outdoorsy side, as well as the amazing view from his cabin. Bryan is certainly a multi-faceted guy… and one of the kindest, most thoughtful men you will ever encounter.

Every couple months Celeste and I head out with our cameras and scout out new spots for sessions… and to be real, we like photos as much as our clients. We get tired of the photos we have and we are ready for new images for all the social media sites we are addicted to. It has been really cold here in Texas. We had a virtual icepocalypse in December, some more sleet and ice in January… and February, not to be outdone had a pretty icy day as well. This sort of thing really throws Texans for a loop so we have all had a bit of cabin fever… but today the sun came out and it was beautiful and so voila! It was time for a scouting shoot! I always love shooting with my daughter and fellow photographer Celeste… as she is always game for anything.
One of the best things about this spot in Frisco is all the rustic textures and rich colors… I am always seeing photographs in my mind, and here my “mind palace” as Sherlock would say, was full to the brim.
I was pretty crazy about the beautiful black train… I just love color and graphic elements in photos… and the tin wall reflected light so beautifully. It really highlighted Celeste’s eyes.
The last time I shot in this area was with two families and it was actually rainy and cold… today everything looked more vibrant.
We had so much fun today as we always do with our cameras… outdoors. We are ready for all of you beautiful people to join us.
This session with the stunning Collyn Robison is just so lovely and so full of light that I couldn’t resist sharing it on this cold January day. There are people that the camera loves… and Collyn is certainly one of them. Her smile just fills the frame and draws you in. Not to mention her lovely eyes, perfectly arched brows… and that hair… I mean this girl is a beauty. I can also attest that she is smart, kind, and humble, and so much fun to be around. She’s heading to the University of Texas in Austin in the fall, carrying on the Longhorn tradition that is very much a part of her family. Collyn and her mom Sally spent an afternoon at the Shops at Legacy with Celeste and I and we were fortunate to have that coveted golden light. Check out the results… I’m pretty crazy about these images.
Whenever I do a session with a senior I love seeing their clothing choices… being a fashion addict myself, I know the power of a good outfit… and Collyn’s choices were fabulous. The heels on her shoes are a killer ombre metallic… take note ladies.
These images with Collyn in this dreamy white in one of my favorite spots with wavy golden grass are so ethereal… I just love them. They are stylish, bohemian, and happy all at the same time. I have a feeling Collyn is going to make quite a splash at UT.
Some time ago I posted about Celeste and my first trip to Copper Peak to do our spring/summer shoot for a project we are working on there. We just returned from our fall shoot this past weekend, and were so saturated with fall beauty that I immediately submerged myself in editing and finished the images. It was much like editing a wedding with the number of images we shot, but editing each and every image was a joy and a way of reliving the experience over again. We are traveling to Copper Peak, located in Ironwood Michigan, three times, spring/summer which we shot in June… fall which we just shot in September… and the winter competition shoot which will be in February of 2014. We are shooting promotional and informational images for the Copper Peak Board of Directors and the Copper Peak Organization for their web presence and well as for other promotional purposes. We are shooting the jump itself and the facilities as well as the surrounding natural beauty. For those of you who don’t remember my last post, Copper Peak has the only ski flying hill in the United States, the others being in other parts of the world. The site hasn’t been skied for 20 years and is under renovation for a ski flying competition that is to be held there in the spring. As with my last post, here is a link to the amazing things happening at Copper Peak: Ski Flyers to Soar Again at Copper Peak. I want to thank Bryan Sanders, former Olympic Skier and Copper Peak Board member, as well as all around great guy, for trusting us with this task.
This whole project has really been life altering for me… in that it has reaffirmed for me that I am doing the right thing in devoting my professional life to photography. I can’t even begin to describe how much I love doing what I do… and how I see pictures everywhere I look. My mom always said that beauty is all around us… and that you only have to have eyes to see it. This is really my philosophy when it comes to photography, whether I am photographing people, places or things, and I know that my greatest asset as a photographer is my eye. What is the most exciting about this project besides the obvious is that I have been able to shoot it with my daughter Celeste who is becoming a very accomplished photographer in her own right. We both love the outdoors, beauty and adventure… and I have enjoyed sharing this with her more than I can ever say.
We shot for most of the day on a Saturday as well as Sunday, with breaks to have good food, fellowship with a great friend, and to visit that friend’s amazing and remote cabin. The fall color was absolutely breathtaking. I can’t even put it into words and even the images don’t do it justice. The golden light felt like it was seeping into us and around every corner was a new photo… And yes… we take a lot of photos of one another along the way… but hey, we are photographers, and good photographers never miss a chance to get the shot. And let me warn you… there are a lot of images in this post… more than I have ever put in a blog post before. But I am so in love with this place I just couldn’t resist!
Lest you think the life of a photographer is just about standing around taking photos… there is a lot of climbing, hiking, braving of high winds, and getting into strange positions to get the perfect shots… best of all every day is a new day and a new challenge… we even manage to get in a little yoga while we are on location.
As I mentioned, in addition to shooting the jump itself, we shot the nearby harbor, forest and rapids, there are several amazing waterfalls in the area… and didn’t miss some of the smallest local flora and fauna… There is so much to see near Ironwood and Copper Peak. Even if it weren’t for the attraction of the jump itself and what will be happening there in February, the area itself is worth a visit. And the people are so amazingly friendly and wonderful.
On our way back to Minneapolis where we were going to fly home, we found some choice spots along the way that will give you some of the flavor of this beautiful area… from Minneapolis Minnesota, where we flew in, through Wisconsin and into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, there is beauty bursting out everywhere… clear, green, clean, vibrant and rich right now with the wonders of fall.
Goodbye Copper Peak… until next time when you will be dressed in white. We will miss you.
The Wenzels are such a vibrant, fun, loving family. When I think of them I think of vivid colors, creativity and happiness. I have known Kelly for some time as we connected through Stella and Dot and I truly don’t think there is anything the woman can’t do or accomplish. She is a bundle of creative energy… determination… and love for her family. I have photographed both of her children’s birthday parties this past year and I will be blog posting about those in the future because they were so adorable, but today I want to focus on her family session that we shot at the Shops at Legacy near Mother’s Day. Kelly wanted to do a session that involved both her mom and her husband Brent’s mom and of course the kids, Cooper and Hadley. I thought this was such a lovely idea because let’s face it… where would we be without our moms? The legacy of love is passed down through generations and what better way to commemorate this than with some lovely photos?
Just to prove that great creative minds think alike Kelly and I showed up that day in the same fun print from the Gap… what are the odds? They do say birds of a feather flock together.
This may sound a bit crazy, but there is a blue wall at the Shops at Legacy that I just love and it was perfect for this family who is the farthest thing from blue!
It’s always so much fun for me to capture connections between people who love each other… whether it is a family like this, a couple, or a wedding party. The best thing is when you have repeat clients like Kelly and you form a friendship and you see their family grow.
There is nothing like a little ice cream to round out a perfect photo session! How absolutely perfect is this family? I joked with Kelly that the J Crew catalogue had nothing on them… and that is a high compliment coming from me as I love J Crew. This lady has style and it spills over and translates to her adorable family and everything she touches… but even more importantly Kelly has a huge heart.
I had so much fun with you guys! I can’t wait for the Christmas photos!