This adorable family is a favorite of mine… I mean one look at these images and you will see that they just radiate happiness. They are their own party all by themselves. We always have a ball! I have shot this family several times before, and you’ve seen them on this blog. We did a wonderful mother’s day shoot with both Kelly and Brent’s moms and the kids… and I have captured both Cooper and Hadley’s birthday parties. Kelly is a heck of a party planner, on top of being a business woman and mom… and any party she throws is going to be creative and fun. This time Kelly wanted to do a different kind of shoot… one in the place they are most relaxed… at home. I just love this idea and hope to do it with more families… people’s personalities are reflected in their surroundings and this beautiful, stylish, colorful family have a beautiful, stylish, colorful home to match.
Those of you who are familiar with my work know that I absolutely love color… and Brent, Kelly, Cooper and Hadley never disappoint. I love the bright, cheerful aura that permeates this family and their home. The following photos, shot in the back yard, are some of my favorites. These kids are absolutely brimming over with personality!
Being an only child myself, I have always envied people with siblings… and these two are pretty sweet together…
Celeste and I had no problem finding something colorful and fun in the Wenzel home to bring some pizzazz into these photos. Honestly, these kids don’t really need any added pizzazz, but we threw some colorful tinsel and colored lights into the mix anyway and I’m pretty crazy about the results. I.just.love.these.photos!
One of the things I like best about this family is the way they play and laugh together… the family that is silly together is the best kind… don’t you think?
Every time I finish a session with this group I am excited to get home and start editing… and just looking through the resulting images makes me smile and look forward to the next time. Happy happy 2014 to you guys!