It’s that time of year again, time to look back over tens of thousands of images to choose the ones that for one reason or another had the greatest impact on me. So yes, the criteria is very subjective… and not even something I can quantify. Sometimes it is color and light, sometimes it is the emotions captured, but sometimes it is something completely indescribable that just speaks to me. Obviously when narrowing down possibly 100,000 photos to 150 I can’t include every client, and I strive to make every client’s images the best because I truly love what I do and count it an honor every time someone steps in front of my camera. Some of these images were taken by my talented daughter Celeste who works with me, and we want to send out special love to our wedding couples who put so much faith in us… and the families we work with year after year… we are so happy to have been able to become a part of your history. We hope you enjoy looking back over 2016 and we look forward to many more photographic adventures together in 2017! xoxo
I love all the photographs you selected for your collection! You are an amazing photographer.